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Starting, using and ending a DIDComm connection

This tutorial shows how Alice can invite Bob to start a connection, send and receive encrypted messages using an https transport, and end the relationship.

The code relies on DIDComm Python and Peerdid Python libraries from SICPA.

The code in the following sections can be executed in a single python file or executed online in this Binder interactive Jupyter notebook

Step 1: Imports

First, we need to import all required functions, clases and types from didcomm and peerdid libraries.

import json
import base64
import qrcode
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Optional, List
from didcomm.common.types import DID, VerificationMethodType, VerificationMaterial, VerificationMaterialFormat
from didcomm.did_doc.did_doc import DIDDoc, VerificationMethod, DIDCommService
from didcomm.did_doc.did_resolver import DIDResolver
from didcomm.message import Message, FromPrior
from didcomm.secrets.secrets_resolver_demo import SecretsResolverDemo
from didcomm.unpack import unpack, UnpackResult
from didcomm.common.resolvers import ResolversConfig
from didcomm.pack_encrypted import pack_encrypted, PackEncryptedConfig, PackEncryptedResult
from peerdid.core.did_doc_types import DIDCommServicePeerDID
from didcomm.secrets.secrets_util import generate_x25519_keys_as_jwk_dict, generate_ed25519_keys_as_jwk_dict, jwk_to_secret
from peerdid import peer_did
from peerdid.did_doc import DIDDocPeerDID
from peerdid.types import VerificationMaterialAuthentication, VerificationMethodTypeAuthentication, VerificationMaterialAgreement, VerificationMethodTypeAgreement, VerificationMaterialFormatPeerDID

Step 3: Resolvers

In this step we add two Resolvers needed by DIDComm and the libraries:

Secret resolver:

This sample code needs a storage to keep the generated key pair secrets. It will then be referenced by the library as a secrets_resolver. We can instantiate it as follows: secrets_resolver = SecretsResolverDemo() Note that the SecretsResolverDemo simply stores the keys in a text file named secrets.json. As you've just realized, this secret storage is anything but secure. Keep in mind that securing keys is of utmost importance for a self-sovereign identity; never use it in production.

DID Resolver:

DIDComm only works if your code knows how to resolve DIDs to DID documents. There are various libraries that provide that feature. For example, the Universal Resolver can be used. In this walk-through, we'll provide a simple stub that minimizes dependencies and keeps things as simple as possible. Click here for full example where you'll find the code that do the trick.

Step 3: Out of Band Invitation

Using our create_peer_did helper function, Alice will create a DID Peer to be shared in the OOB invitation. Since an OOB invitation is unencrypted and may be observed by another party, this DID should not be considered private and must be rotated later for privacy. Alice DID also contains a service part that tells Bob the serviceEndpoint where she accepts messages. In this case Alice provides an https endpoint. For other cases additional Routing may be required.

alice_did_oob = await create_peer_did(1, 1, service_endpoint="")
print("Alice's OOB DID:", alice_did_oob)
Alice's OOB DID: did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ

Remember that while creating this DID, our helper function also stores the private keys in the secrets_resolver. In a real implementation, Alice will have her own secure store in her own wallet, and Bob will have a separated secure store in his own wallet.

Also, those Peer DIDs can be resolved into DID documents that contain the Authentication, Agreement public keys, and the Service details.

With this DID Peer, Alice can create an Out Of Band invitation message as follows:

oob_mesage = {
  "type": "",
  "id": "unique-id-24160d23ed1d",
  "from": alice_did_oob,
  "body": {
    "goal_code": "connect",
    "goal": "Start relationship",
    "accept": [

You can see that the type of the massage was declared as "" and Alice OOB DID was included in the from header. Also, remember that the unique id declared in the message must be used in the parent thread ID pthid in Bob's following response.

The message has to be whitespaced removed and encoded using URL Base 64.

plaintext_ws_removed = json.dumps(oob_mesage).replace(" ", "")
encoded_plaintextjwm = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(plaintext_ws_removed.encode("utf-8"))
encoded_text = str(encoded_plaintextjwm, "utf-8").replace("=","")

Finally, we put the encoded message in a URL that can be emailed to Bob:

oob_url = ""+encoded_text

Other common option to share the OOB message is by creating a QR code that Bob can scan:

image = qrcode.make(oob_url)
plt.imshow(image , cmap = 'gray')


Step 4: Receiving the OOB message

Once Bob receives the email or scan the QR code, he can easily decod it and read Alice's message:

received_msg_encoded = oob_url.split("=")[1]
received_msg_decoded = json.loads(str(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(received_msg_encoded + "=="), "utf-8"))
{'type': '', 'id': 'unique-id-24160d23ed1d', 'from': 'did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ', 'body': {'goal_code': 'connect', 'goal': 'Establishconnection', 'accept': ['didcomm/v2', 'didcomm/aip2;env=rfc587']}}

After Bob checks the invitation, he is able to prepare a response back. Since Bob has not established a connection with Alice before, he needs to create a DID peer to be used in all communications with Alice. This DID Peer will be dedicated to Alice and only Alice. If Bob needs to comunicate with someone else, he should create a new DID Peer.

bob_did = await create_peer_did(1,1, service_endpoint="")
print("Bob's DID:", bob_did)
Bob's DID: did:peer:2.Ez6LSfHCNnrXfs6mPio69GbvoL6szGxCXcL3tf8kLDQDYsncm.Vz6MkiDnmWvdnKoFrn7fDfXVykbRmW7MuEyMp1ZcnZu1KvUZL.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9ib2IiLCJhIjpbImRpZGNvbW0vdjIiXX0

Bob's response will depends on the goal code of the invitation received. Here is a response message as an example:

bob_response_message = Message(
    body = {"msg": "Hi Alice"},
    id = "unique-id-263e24a422e",
    pthid = received_msg_decoded["id"],
    type = "my-protocol/1.0",
    frm = bob_did,
    to = [received_msg_decoded["from"]]

Note that the message includes an id that is mandatory and has to be unique to Bob, but also includes the parent thread ID pthid matching Alice's message id.

Also includes a type, also mandatory, that points to the protocol identifier in conformance with the goal of the invitation. The body contains the actual message in a structured way associated by our my-protocol/1.0. Attributes from and to are optional. Beware that in the code above the property from was replaced by frm due to a conflict of reserved words in Python; the conversion to the correct property (from) is handled internally by the library.

The final encrypted and packed message can be generated with this code:

bob_packed_msg = await pack_encrypted(
    resolvers_config = ResolversConfig(
        secrets_resolver = secrets_resolver,
        did_resolver = DIDResolverPeerDID()
    message = bob_response_message,
    frm = bob_did,
    to = alice_did_oob,
    sign_frm = None,
    pack_config = PackEncryptedConfig(protect_sender_id=False)

Step 5: Sending the message to Alice

From the received message, Bob can get and resolve Alice's DID into a DID Document. He can use a Universal Resolver or just our helper class as we use in the following lines:

alice_did_doc = json.loads(peer_did.resolve_peer_did(received_msg_decoded["from"]))
{'id': 'did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ', 'authentication': [{'id': 'did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ#6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj', 'type': 'Ed25519VerificationKey2020', 'controller': 'did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ', 'publicKeyMultibase': 'z6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj'}], 'keyAgreement': [{'id': 'did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ#6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK', 'type': 'X25519KeyAgreementKey2020', 'controller': 'did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ', 'publicKeyMultibase': 'z6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK'}], 'service': [{'id': 'did:peer:2.Ez6LSh6rmgWhAsvyYRo5mnKTuZtSkMb9keidqDGUygrPD9kgK.Vz6MksqtdXuTar4gjPTMG6tEePL9dFHBc6s7mJxQk8cL98hoj.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ#didcommmessaging-0', 'type': 'DIDCommMessaging', 'serviceEndpoint': '', 'accept': ['didcomm/v2']}]}

From the DID Document, Bob can understand how Alice is expecting to receive messages. In this case, he gets Alice's endpoint:

alice_endpoint = alice_did_doc["service"][0]["serviceEndpoint"]

Using an https transport Bob can simply POST the message to the endpoint with the message in the body and the media type header set to application/didcomm-encrypted+json.

headers = {"Content-Type": "application/didcomm-encrypted+json"}
resp =, headers=headers, data = bob_packed_msg.packed_msg)

In a real scenario, you will receive a success http response code in the range of 2XX such as a 202. This case will fail since it's not a real endpoint.

Step 5: Alice responding back to Bob with a rotated DID

Alice has finally received a response back from Bob at her endpoint. The encrypted message is in the body of the POST request that can be unpacked and decrypted with the following code:

bob_unpack_msg = await unpack(

Note that we also passed the resolver config as before.

Finally, Alice can see Bob's response message:

Hi Alice

And also she can get Bob's DID Peer:


and from Bob's DID, she can resolve the DID Document and get Bob's service endpoint:

bob_did_doc = json.loads(peer_did.resolve_peer_did(bob_unpack_msg.message.frm))
bob_endpoint = bob_did_doc["service"][0]["serviceEndpoint"]

Now Alice is able to respond back to Bob's. However, in order to keep DID Peers private between them, Alice must replace the DID used in the Out of Band message by a new one. That process is call DID rotation.

A DID is rotated by sending a message to Bob including the from_prior header containng a JWT with the new DID in the sub and the prior DID in the iss fields. First, she need to create the new DID Peer:

alice_did_new = await create_peer_did(1, 1, service_endpoint="")
print("Alice's NEW DID:", alice_did_new)
Alice's NEW DID: did:peer:2.Ez6LSnn1bdY7Zy5WLuXxMQWEpDb2o9L9g8fW9Z2NWdASTAAKd.Vz6MkqFwmMSecezdhHHGMQJPEpjkoSFNVBQRnQG15P1VbgJsN.SeyJpZCI6Im5ldy1pZCIsInQiOiJkbSIsInMiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9hbGljZSIsImEiOlsiZGlkY29tbS92MiJdfQ

Then, with the help of the library she can easily creat the from_prior header. More details on how to make the JWT can be found in Chapter 5.3 of DIDComm Messaging Specification

from_prior = FromPrior(iss=alice_did_oob, sub=alice_did_new)

alice_rotate_did_message = Message(
    body = {"msg": "I'm rotating my peer DID"},
    id = "unique-id-293e9a922e",
    type = "my-protocol/1.0",
    frm = alice_did_new,
    to = [bob_unpack_msg.message.frm],
    from_prior = from_prior

As in previous steps, Alice will encrypt and pack the message, and POST it to Bob's endpoint:

alice_packed_msg = await pack_encrypted(
    resolvers_config = ResolversConfig(
        secrets_resolver = secrets_resolver,
        did_resolver = DIDResolverPeerDID()
    message = alice_rotate_did_message,
    frm = alice_did_new,
    to = bob_unpack_msg.message.frm,
    sign_frm = None,
    pack_config = PackEncryptedConfig(protect_sender_id=False)

headers = {"Content-Type": "application/didcomm-encrypted+json"}
resp =, headers=headers, data = alice_packed_msg.packed_msg)

Bob will receive the message in his endpoint, unpack and decrypt, and get the new Alice's DID. He must store Alice's new DID and use it in subsequent communications.

Step 6: What's next --> Protocols

Now Alice and Bob have a private way to communicate. This communication channel can be used whenever they need. Normally, messages passed back and forth will follow a protocol that can be understood by both. We won't cover protocols in this tutorial. You can read more about protocols in Chapter 9 of the DIDComm Messaging specification

Step 7: Ending a relationship

Alice and Bob can use the channel forever. They know how to pass messages and even how to rotate a DID if needed. If for any reason, Alice (or Bob) need to end the relationship, she can simply send a message rotating the DID to nothing. That is achieved by ommiting the sub in the from_prior and sending the message without a from attribute of the message as it's shown below:

from_prior_end = FromPrior(iss=alice_did_new, sub=None)

alice_end_message = Message(
    body = {"msg": "I'm finishing this relationship :("},
    id = "unique-id-25359a955e",
    type = "my-protocol/1.0",
    to = [bob_unpack_msg.message.frm],
    from_prior = from_prior_end

alice_end_packed_msg = await pack_encrypted(
    resolvers_config = ResolversConfig(
        secrets_resolver = secrets_resolver,
        did_resolver = DIDResolverPeerDID()
    message = alice_end_message,
    to = bob_unpack_msg.message.frm,
   sign_frm = None,
    pack_config = PackEncryptedConfig(protect_sender_id=False)